Sun through the trees

Through the Rough

This week’s 99-word flash fiction challenge on Charli’s Carrot Ranch, will be presented to Sue Vincent as part of a celebration event for Sue and her writing. 

Sue is a much-loved member of the blogging and writing community. At the moment she is facing a battle with her health and all the writers at Carrot Ranch are coming together to support Sue through their stories. You can read about Sue HERE!

The prompt for this flash is; In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about life as a river of consciousness.

Through the Rough

As a young girl, under the watchful eyes of my father, I paddled with the minnow in the shallow part of Dundragon River. The safe part, where the water flowed gently across a million pebbles.

As years passed, I ventured further up the river. Deeper, muddier waters, where I learned to trust my own judgement in the absence of my protector. Tread carefully or be swallowed.

Keep my head above the water and prepare for the inevitable ripples. When the dam breaks, keep swimming, knowing that those watchful eyes will guide me across the rough, to gentle waters again.



Elderly man sitting at a lake

George is my Friend

We judge people all the time. We decide who we want in our lives and who we want as our friends. Of course we do! The people in our lives are important to us. They help us along. They have be compatible with us. It’s not always easy to find these special people.

We meet people in so many different ways. Through those we already know, our friends and family, through work or just by chance. We silently check them out. We look them up and down, listen to their views, work out whether we like them or not. Did we click? Will we be friends? Rivals maybe?

Do you rush into relationships with people or do you sit back and let the universe decide?

I have always given people the benefit of the doubt down through the years. It hasn’t always worked in my favour though. But I do believe that the unfavourable souls I’ve encountered have helped me to appreciate the more harmonious people in my life. These days I’m more inclined to let the universe decide for me. It’s easier!

However, I still can’t stop talking to strangers, but I do keep my distance—physically and mentally.

For Charli’s 99 word flash fiction challenge this week, she prompts us with Avocado Toast. (I almost did a bold thing and feigned a sickie) But I slapped my own butt and got out my favourite fat pen and picked my own brains.


George is my Friend 

I often passed him by; the man sitting at the lake in a black shabby coat, and tattered old cap. Today I stopped.

‘I’m George. I’m 79 today,’ he smiled. He told me about himself. He offered to share his special birthday picnic with me. I declined, as I watched his dirty hands lifting the lid of his lunchbox.

‘Actually…yes please,’ I blurted.

He cut his avocado in half. He handed me my share, and a tiny wooden spoon.  

‘A birthday toast to you George.’

When we bumped our avocado halves together, I knew I’d made a new friend.

Avocado split in two

A Healer Working in The NHS! Wendy’s Story.

Hello everyone,

My name is Wendy and I’m here to tell you about how I went from being a cynical non-believer, to an accredited healer working in the NHS. I hope you enjoy my story and most of all, I hope some of you feel inspired by it.

My Story.

Thirty six years ago my dearest friend Elaine lost her husband while he was carrying out his duties as a fireman. Rescuing a cat from a tree, would appear to be one of the easiest and straight forward tasks expected from a fireman, so it’s hard to imagine how it can result in him losing his life.

Continue reading “A Healer Working in The NHS! Wendy’s Story.”

Angels Dancing with Andrew.

A big hello to you all and a special thank you to Gloria for inviting me as a guest blogger. I’m bowled over by the kindness and support I’ve received from people in the Holistic field.
I’ve certainly had an adventurous life so far – it’s been anything but boring, something I appreciate, as I dislike drudgery or monotony.
The angels have always figured in my life since I was a child. I was fascinated by their otherworldliness, gentleness, kindness and sense of humour. wp-1479468927426.jpg

However, it was as an adult that things began to take off. I had the odd experience of them when I was in the Franciscans for several years. One time I awoke to see two pillars of light at the bottom of my bed. They were both golden or yellow in colour but one was thicker than the other. I instinctively knew they were my angels and said hello to them before falling back to sleep.

Continue reading “Angels Dancing with Andrew.”

Soulful, Meaningful & Practical Connection.

It is through my sheer willingness to embrace and encompass all of my spiritual gifts.  This is proof of my commitment to my life’s journey as my soul directs.

It brings me great joy to be in a position to provide clients with my unique coaching style conversation that goes deeper, provides more insight and clarity and creates the space and the way for clients to move forward with greater ease.

But I am also conscious of our perception of science and spirituality. Therefore, I have invested time and energy to train in modalities, some of which are more scientific in nature, others more about healing and are spiritually inclined.

It is a significant part of my mission and purpose.  That of being the tangible link that is the holy triad of Body, Mind & Spirit.  I will compassionately work towards bridging that gap between science and spirituality.  I will be a prodigy of the new edge and the intuitive mapping and spiritual guided approach to life.

Continue reading “Soulful, Meaningful & Practical Connection.”