Five Days Later

Today’s post is part of Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Conscious Saturday #SoCS. Her prompt is the word ‘difference‘. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?

This word has been rattling around in my head all week. The difference a day makes in the learning process of a new skill. The difference in our mood when we’re doing something we enjoy. The difference between finding your joy and trudging along in a rut.

Last Saturday on my other blog I began my #SoCS post with, ‘Who likes cooking?’ I had enrolled Little Miss Nine on a five day cookery camp. You can read that post HERE.

On day one she was very slow and a little fumbly. By day two I could see her confidence growing a little and she was still very motivated to get stuck in. Day three was baking day, and I think every child enjoys baking, even if it’s simply rice krispie buns. By day four, Little Miss Nine was peeling and chopping with much more ease and confidence. Quicker too. By the last day she was a proper little chef in the making.

I couldn’t believe the difference in her mood too. She was more upbeat and jolly as she went about the rest of her day; humming away to herself. I could see that she felt accomplished, having successfully taken part in something that she enjoyed.

No doubt she will find new joys in her life. She’ll try things she won’t like, she’ll stumble like the rest of us and she’ll have moments of uncertainty. But for now, she is joyous!

What is your joy? What gives you a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment? Most of all…what makes you smile?

Do what brings you joy. Find that joy and enjoy it. You’ll notice the difference!

Just one of the delicious dishes we enjoyed this week

9 thoughts on “Five Days Later

  1. I love that your daughter found such joy in cooking. I wish I’d had the experiences younger like she is — talk about a life changing perspective. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “The difference between finding your joy and trudging along in a rut.” I’m reminded of the fun I’ve had cooking with my granddaughter and so many other creative things I’ve done since retirement.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Enjoyed the cooking class. So important for us to learn we are not experts right off the bat. That practice will get us there. Agree sometimes just a walk will make a difference in my mood.


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